Crypto Assets

The project currently provides for the use of a number of Crypto Assets consisting of fungible and non-fungible tokens produced on the basis of BSC and GSC networks and varied in purpose and application.*

*All Crypto Assets, the smart contract of which is initiated by Formacar Crypto or its Affiliates, represent exclusively in-game currencies or items and are intended for use in projects as a means of payment for in-game services, or intended to be directly used in the game, unless otherwise provided by separate agreements or statements.

Project Fungible Tokens (Tokens)

The game currently provides for three Crypto Asset types expressed as fungible tokens:

FormaCarGame (FCG) is a gaming token that can be either external (BSC network) or internal (GSC network).

FormaCarCoin (FCC) is an in-game token that can only be internal (GSC network).

FormaCarMoney (FCM) is an in-game token that can only be internal (GSC network).

Project Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

The game currently provides for a wide selection of in-game items that will be produced as NFTs and can be either external (BSC network) or internal (GSC network).

Last updated