
Painting is a separate option available in the Tuning section. Can only be used once per any given car. A paint can is an in-game item used for repainting cars.

The game provides a paint crafting feature with the following rules:

  • if the paints mixed had the same rarity, the result is a paint of the same or a higher rarity level;

  • if the paints mixed had different rarities, the result is a paint of the lowest rarity used in the mix.

Paint cans come in three rarity levels:

  • Common — simple colors without effects.

  • Rare — metallic colors.

  • Unique — colors with chameleon or carbon effects applied.

Ways of Acquiring Paints

Paints can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Lootboxes. Each loot box drops N paints. The number and quality of the paints gained is determined by the type of the lootbox.

  • Crafting. Players can fuse a certain number of paints into a different paint.

  • Purchase. The in-game store has a rotating selection of paints on sale.

  • Daily rewards.

F2P and Crypto Functions of Paints

F2P paints are paints that accessible to all players. They can be used with F2P cars and are not NFTs, meaning they cannot be traded on the secondary market.

Crypto paints are paints that players must buy for the FCC in-game currency. They can be used with NFT cars, can be NFTs themselves and can be traded on the secondary market.

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